Saturday, September 30, 2006

Weekly Roundup

Yup its been a week since I started blogging about 'Our E61 ' and many a times i have posted that I will try the software and will inform so here are the results of my trials .

I will start with games , I used to have 35 games but very few were capable of fiting on E61 screen , right now my fav beside the Golf Pro are 3D snakes by Nokia , Bantumi GL ( I never won a single game on E 61 but used to win every time on my 3310 )
Flexis is a good game with a lot of colors and bouncing and works well on E61
Darkest Fear is a RPG I am yet stuck on first level due to lack of time .

Will post the pix tomorrow

Coming to Media , hated the OGG Player and kicked it out , I prefer Nokia's Mp3 player
Park Cast is working wondefully though my 256kbps connection on Wifi wish Nokia increase the Radio stations
Internet Radio is working good too , now if anyone can tell me how to add more connections
Streaming Radio through Real Player is also good , i get to listen to Voice of America and BBC on it

In Applications , Nokia's Islamic software are working well although the Islamic Date is two days off , I have to tweak it to fix it . Google maps are working as they are supposed to but MGmaps is better it can read from the KMZ file on my E61 ( 500 places in KArachi )

Way Finder also works nice but does not give me maps of Karachi , I am planning to get a Bluetooth GPS an will try it with WF and MGMAPS

I tried mymobileclips but never got my video back so cannot comment on it

So here's all about the weekly roundup , will post more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Concerning Nokia's Internet Radio client, have a look at the FAQ on their web site, it explains how to add more stations to it.

I've found that real player worked fine for internet radios too but you can't send it to the background while it's playing, it stops playing when sent to the background, which renders it quite useless (you can't start an Internet Radio then put the phone in your pocket).

For mapping, you should try Map24 (, register to be able to download the application). Launch it, switch to 3D view (by pressing '3'), enter your start and end addresses, choose Calculate Route and you'll get really cool GPS navigation-like indications (but without needing to have a GPS).
